I wrote last about Trusteeship ... on Trustees' role as Guardians of the definition of success and how soccer clubs treasure "a sense of what they stand for, what they are and a respect for those who have 'gone before’"
Another way of saying the 'definition of success' is 'Purpose'. So how about this from today's Independent?
"Never underestimate the power of a purpose. From Klopp’s Liverpool to Warnock’s Cardiff, from Pep’s City to Pulis’s Middlesbrough, the modern club - and, come to think of it, the pre-modern club - runs on an idea. Something that distinguishes it from a ringbinder at Companies House. Under the efficient and yet entirely bloodless stewardship of Stan Kroenke, Arsenal strikes you as a club no longer certain of its basic idea. Sure, it wants to win. But how? And why? What broader aim is served by Arsenal winning? And why should everyone else move heaven and earth to prevent it happening?"
What would happen if we were to ask of every conductive education venture, the same questions:
- What is your basic idea?
- Sure you want to help children and adults and their families. But how? And why? (a chilling question, that one)
- What broader aim do you serve?
- And why would anyone else be bothered enough about what you aiming for, as to shift heaven and earth to stop you?
BTW Did you enjoy as I did the idea that distinguishes what you do, "from a ringbinder at Companies House"?