Yesterday, I wrote to His Excellency Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky, the Ambassador of Hungary in London. If you care about adult continuing conductive education, I suggest you do the same. If you are not in the UK, write to your own country's Ambassador.
My message was simple: to request the Ambassador to use his good offices "to urge all parties to take all necessary steps to ensure the continuation at Pető András Főiskola of services for adults, including the training of Conductors to work with them and, especially, to recognise the international importance of the adult services at the Pető András Főiskola to those of us working to promote and provide Conductive Education adults’ services outside Hungary".
I've no idea whether a flood of such letters from around the world would make any difference. Not writing at all certainly won't make any difference. Anyway, perhaps the best argument for writing, for having your voice heard, is solidarity with colleagues in Budapest whose work and livelihood is under threat.
I do not read or speak Hungarian and find Google Translate a poor tool when it comes to Hungarian, so cannot read the Petition to save adult services at PAF. (Why was it not an international petition in English and German as well as Hungarian?)
If you have the same problem, you must, like me, continue to rely on Andrew Sutton's reporting of the situation on his blog Conductive World.
BTW. The Ambassador, Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky, is still relatively new, having taken up his office in June 2016. In November 2016, he hosted a dinner for the British All-Party Parliamentary Group (Hungary). The Embassy has quite a busy Facebook page.