Recently, I asked on CE Jottings "Is conductive education a social pedagogy?" I had been reading a description of social pedagogy and, adapting a couple of extracts to fit conductive education, thought that there might be something in this. For instance: "An action is not conductive because certain methods are used therein, but because some methods are chosen and used as a consequence of conductive thought" and this too "the question to ask is to what degree you are working conductively". These were statements, adapted for conductive education rather than social pedagogy, that seem to me to express something profound about conductive education.
Yet there was more to my fascination even than that. For instance, a "Social Pedagogy Charter" has been produced.
The Charter brings together social pedagogy's "values and aspirations in a single, accessible document, which can serve to remind us of what we have agreed to commit to as Social Pedagogues or Social Pedagogy Practitioners. " It "can be used as a way of introducing newcomers to our profession and as ... a reference point for all practitioners in the field."
Can you imagine such a Charter for conductive education? To bring together our values and aspirations ... to remind us of what we agreed to commit to ... as a way to introduce newcomers ... as a reference point for all practitioners.
This is the present Social Pedagogy Charter in full; "the value base that informs Social Pedagogy in practice in the UK":
We consider ethics and social justice to be the foundation for practice
We believe in the importance of engaging with others and the world of which we are a part in
ways that are congruent with our values and beliefs (Haltung) and informed by theory
We value the capacity of all to foster compassion, community, love, care and empathy
We believe in walking alongside others, recognising their uniqueness and, with them, co- creating meaning and purpose
We understand the value of our participation in everyday activities as a basis for creating human connection, enhancing a person’s sense of well-being and quality of life
We endeavour to develop authentic and reliable relationships
We believe in relationship-centred practice that recognises and engages with the whole person and the networks, systems and communities that impact upon their lives
We value creative and playful approaches to lifelong learning that are theoretically informed, risk sensible and draw on people’s potential
We value professional curiosity in our work with every individual, group and family
We use theory, critical reflection and self-awareness to inform practice
We value team work, mutual aid and collaboration with others
We strive to bring about positive change for individuals, groups and families and communities, built on an understanding that practice is affected by political, social and cultural contexts as well as by individual differences
We believe in the social and political agency of individuals and groups to make significant choices about their lives and to contribute to their community