Most in Conductive Education in the UK won't spend much time at the Companies House website. But it can be a source of fascinatingly suggestive material. Take Mark Andrew Small for instance.
Securing conductive education services all too often can involve parents, centres and schools in arduous struggles with local authorities at Tribunal. You may even have met Mark Andrew Small.
He hit the headlines recently for disgraceful tweets gloating over his legal company's performance at a Tribunal - and putting down families of children with special needs. A Guardian article sums it all up rather well "'Simply inhumane' – the law firm that fights parents seeking help for children's special needs". The Guardian journalist spoke with nine parents who had come up against the unpleasantness of Mark Andrew Small at Tribunals, his firm representing local authorities. Several of these local authorities have now publicly declared they will no longer contract Baker Small - something of a comeuppance, for Mark Andrew and his firm Baker Small, whose web site is currently off-line ("509 Bandwidth exceeded", apparently).
And so to Company's House, Mark Andrew Small seems to like setting up companies.
As well as Baker Small Legal Services Ltd, set up in 2010, Mark Andrew Small is the sole Director of:
- Essential Mediation Limited, set up in 2011;
- Legal4Schools Ltd, set up in 2014;
- SEN4You Ltd, set up in 2014 and
- Essential Special Educational Needs Ltd, set up just this month, June 2016.
Not bad for a one-man band, though there's a whiff of ducking-and-diving about it all.
So if you are concerned not to come into contact with the undesirable Mark Andrew Small, be warned that he appears in several guises.
See also the earlier Guardian article:
Fury as law firm boasts of 'great win' over parents of vulnerable children
And thanks to Amelia Gentleman, Guardian journalist, for the Company's House nudge.