It's a blog post I just want to share with anyone who stops by. It's not about conductive education. But it is about the whole rotten system that needs taking apart and in place of which, for some, conductive education (or anyone who believes, like Feuerstein "that everyone - regardless of age, etiology or disability - has the immeasurable ability to enhance their learning aptitude and heighten their intelligence.") is a paradigm shift. I didn't express that very well. It's late. Just read the blog post by Jan Walmsley:
#7 days of action - Why history?
We have to stop pretending: pretending that the systems for adults with learning disabilities are OK (Yes we do. Or else why has the whole Board and CEO of Southern Health not been replaced? Why do we tolerate the lousy performance of so many local authorities and schools?) Or pretending that if it were not for "austerity", or "the cuts" or "the Tories" everything would be hunky-dory, more-or-less.
"I felt like a murderess". Read those words from a parent in 1954 and ask how far we have really come in the last 60 years.
When you've read Jan Walmsley's piece, you might like an earlier posting "Why History?"