I have just been watching again, "The Tale of Laughing Boy". I don't want to get between you and this powerful film, so add no comment of my own. Except to urge you to give it the whole 15 minutes.
"On 4th July 2013 Connor Sparrowhawk (AKA Laughing Boy), an 18 year old man with learning disabilities died of preventable causes whilst under the care of Southern Health at Slade House in Oxford. The Trust initially attributed his death to natural causes, but a damning independent investigation demanded by Connor's family concluded his death could have been prevented.
"As part of Connor’s family’s national campaign “Justice for LB (Laughing Boy)” young people with learning disabilities worked in partnership with Connor’s family to produce a short film of Connor’s life incorporating the views of his family and the views of young people about his death and their recommendations for positive change.
"This film could not have been made without the incredible and generous contribtution of Oxford Digital Media who gave of their time and expertise freely. We would also like to thank Comic Relief and Oxford City Council for their financial contribution to this project.
Want to know more? Connor's Mum blogs at "MyDaftLife"