Hope CEPEG 2015 10th Annual Conference and the Conductive Education Awareness Week that begins tomorrow in Liverpool are a huge and enjoyable success for everyone. My wife's health means I cannot be in Liverpool as I had so much hoped to be. Maybe next year.
The theme of the conference is "Raising The Bar" and that of the Awareness Week (9th - 13th March) is "Moving Conductive Education Forward".
I will be following following the week's events on the Facebook page and group. Perhaps anyone attending the Conference can use the hashtag #CEPEG10 on twitter, to share something of the day with all of us who cannot be there.
There are three stand-out issues for me:
1. Getting more UK conductive education groups working more together more of the time;
2. Training of conductors. How about a scheme for conductors from PAF in Budapest to undertake an apprenticeship year in the UK and gain qualified teacher status?
3. Making a difference for adults through conductive education, internationally.
What would your priorities be if you could wave a magic wand and "move conductive education forward" right now?
Have a great day on Saturday!
Note CEPEG = Conductive Education Professional Education Group