Another small conductive education centre in the UK is under threat.
This time it is Sproughton School for Parents in Suffolk. The call "aux armes" (or 'Mayday' perhaps) has gone out.
An appeal for £80,000 has been launched on "GoFundMe". By this morning, £8,140 has been raised in six days.
"We've got a fight on our hands. The School for Parents is a vital service for children with disabilities across Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex.
"With 2 weeks notice, the school has been told to close. Parents, staff and supporters are devastated.
Sproughton SfP has been part of the Dame Vera Lynn Trust since DVLT took it over in 2010. There is a report on the closure on the DVLT website. The problem is the familiar one (and DVLT Trustees surely have our sympathy in this) "against the background of the economic recession, local fundraising challenges, our rural location and no statutory funding available, we have been unable to meet the required [financial] targets."
I have long been of the view that a financial model that is 100% dependent on fundraising is not a sustainable model. There are exceptions but small local charities do seem to be especially vulnerable.
I have also long been of the view that CE Centres' isolation from each other makes us vulnerable and that we should come together - maybe even combine - for greater strength.
The DVLT announcement points to another vulnerability - that of rural centres and those battling to save and continue services in rural areas.
Whilst there are donations of £5 and £10, the £8,140 has been donated by 166 people - which works out at just under £50 each on average. That is amazing!
It's also more than a month's expenditure and may buy the parents and supporters of Sproughton a little more valuable time to assess what else might be done - beyond the two weeks notice to close.
We can only wish them well.