Disgust and incredulity. That's my reaction to the Powerpoint training slide below.
"What happened?" is broadly correct, if incomplete, as a statement.
"What worked well?" is shaming and shameful.
"I keep thinking about that PowerPoint and trying to understand the person (or persons) who wrote it, delivered it and made it publicly available on the internet. Were they simply just stupid?" (From a Comment beneath the blog posting from which the image was taken - see below).
You must make up you own mind.
If you'd like to know more:
1. Conor's mother keeps a blog, My Daft Life, long one of my favourites. (See, for instance, when I first became aware of what had happened to LB "The World of Death by Indifference" - of LB ('Laughing Boy'), a young learning disabled man" )
2. The Powerpoint slide can be seen at "A Counter Powerpoint" together with Comments, including that above. It has now apparently been removed from the Southern Health website.
3. #LBBill - the Facebook page for the proposed new Bill, partially inspired by Conor (also known by his mother and others as "Laughing Boy") which I drew attention to in my previous posting on this blog.