This from Mumsnet. Can you help?
I have two children aged 3 and 5 who both have got celebral palsy. They both have just been given statements however the school I asked for the LEA has not agreed to it so we are going to tribunal. They have said they are suited to a maintream school.
However I have been sending them privately funding it to a non maintained special school for conductive education in sheffield. They have been going for 6 months and have improved a lot in their attempting to try and walk and even academically. Both the consultant and physiotherapy have said they have seen really good progress with both kids since they have been going there and have also written this down for the tribunal
However I have been told that an Independent Educational Psychologist who has a knowledge of conductive education is what I need as a IEP carries a lot more than a consultant and physiotherapy however I just can't seem to find one who specialises in conductive education. Found 3: Albert Reid, Mike Davies, Suzie Mitchell but they are booked up for 6 months I need one in the next 6 weeks does anyone know one. I wish I had known this earlier as I would have been well prepared.
Please Help"
If you can help at all, please leave a message here as a Comment or email me (address to right).
This appeal was first picked up by Andrew Sutton on Facebook/Conductive World market.