An impossible challenge? I don't know.But if Baroness Murphy's assessment is correct, then it very well might be.
Whilst the SEN draft legislation is intent on a unified education, health and care assessment to be set out in a unitary individual plan, how this might be achieved is anyone's guess. Word is that the planned legislation is to be delayed until Pathfinders have had chance to report. Legislation on the statute book in 2014 is looking optimistic and 2015 is election year. So what odds on 'the long grass'?
In which case, Baroness Murphy's concerns about the difficulties presented by the Integration of Health and Social Care over on the Lords of the Blog probably has little to say to delegates gathering for Paces Autumn Conference on Wednesday.
"As long as I can remember these divergent services have been cajoled, bullied, encouraged and exhorted to work together. In most places they never have. From the patient’s point of view the lack of coordination between the NHS and those that provide personal and domestic care has been incomprehensible, but as long as the organisations responsible come under different management systems and different funding regimes split by the ideologies of central and local government, nothing much will change".