There's not been a lot I've felt inspired to comment on, to be honest.
Not the we've not been busy at Paces. Quite the contrary! On top of delivering excellent services (of course), there's an enormous amount of work going on overhauling the whole organisation (governance, financial systems, management), a constant questioning of what we do, why and how. Adults' services, particularly, is an area we are focused on. And supporting families. And trying to work out how we can reach all those families in South Yorkshire who've not heard of Paces - so we've been working on our Facebook page.
Then there's the regular stuff of writing grant applications - absorbs so much time. I emailed one grant funder recently to ask if our proposed project actually fitted their funding priorities. I'd read the guidelines and still wasn't sure. The reply was that it would be 'unfair' to other potential applicants to tell me - urging me to read the guidelines!
So all in all, it just feels rather like the daily round, daily. Wouldn't want to bore you with that.
Anyone care to ask me a question - anything - about Paces and I'll post a response here.