Two phrases have been rattling around in my head. I'm just going to share them with you - and maybe come back later to expand on my own thoughts.
The first is ... "educated beyond their intelligence";
The second is .... "the transformability of human potential".
To put them both into their immediate contexts (emphases mine).
The first is from an (otherwise forgetable) article in the Guardian "What's the point of social mobility?" by Zoe Williams:
" ... my new theory; just as privatised medicine leads to the over-treatment of the rich and under-treatment of the poor, private schools over-educate the rich. This leads to many of them being educated beyond their intelligence."
The second is from a posting on Andrew Sutton's blog:
"Take just these two, the transformability of human potential as product of upbringing and education and transfer of physical disability out of medicine and health. Together they take you beyond the weak notion of 'support'. Advocate instead that disabled children need to be brought up, educated, taught, as do all other children – though not always necessarily in the same way.