A selection of irst responses garnered from Twitter under hashtag #SEN :
Guardian article "Special needs education reform offers hope and anxiety for parents"
Ambitious About Autism "Our statement on Government’s SEN Green Paper response"
IPSEA: "Initial views on the Government's SEN Green Paper Response"
BBC News: "Special needs budgets to be controlled by parents"
Every Disabled Child Matters: "Government denies ‘single plan’ to disabled children with health and social care needs"
NASEN: SEND Green Paper:Next Steps NASEN catches well the wider import and context and it's worth quoting in full:
"The Next Steps document should be read alongside details of some of the other significant changes that are also taking place, the proposals set out in the School Funding Reform document, the changes to the National Health Service, the raising of the participation age, the significant changes in local authorities and the growth of Academies and Free Schools, will all impact on our most vulnerable young people.
More if/as they arise.