As a member of the NCVO, we recently received our 'Member Edition' of "The UK Civil Society Almanac 2012". What a treasure trove of civil society data it is.
I'm tempted to quote some statistics ... "Did you know, for instance ..." but will resist the temptation. Except for one statistic. Pay and Chief Executives. So how much do you think the average Chief Executive gets paid? While you ponder that, bear in mind an often quoted statistic that a salary of £51,000 per annum would put you in the top 15% of UK salary/wage earners. (Average pay for drivers of petrol tankers, I read over the weekend, is £45,000 pa)
The NCVO produce the Annual Voluntary Sector Salary Survey in association with XpertHR. The survey covers over 150 charitable organisations and analysises salaries for a range of responsibilities within the voluntary sector.
And Chief Executives? What did you guess? Well, according to NCVO/XpertHR, the median total earnings of a Chief Executive in the voluntary sector in 2010/11 was .... £71,907.
"Median" means there are as many whose earnings are above this as below it, which is pause for thought itself. "Total earnings" though, I'm not sure of. Bonuses? Perish the thought! Share allotments? Unlikely. Pension payments? Quite possibly.
And just in case you are wondering, no, I don't get anything like the median. Nothing at all like it in fact!