Susie Mallett reminds me in an email that I have not posted in a while. Actually, I've just been so busy - nearly all of it positive and productive. For instance ....
Top priority continues to be the governance changes and the renewed sense of energy and purpose flowing from our new Chair and Trustees. This is massively encouraging.
A close second is our application to become a Free School. Our experience of the process so far is helping is prepare for the new (but delayed) application process for special schools aiming to open in September 2012. We'd love to be able to reach out to parents of children with cerebral palsy all across South Yorkshire, to see what they might think of a new Free School for their children - problem is how!
As I speak, our Headteacher, Gabor Fellner is busy organising the move into our three newly refurbished and magnificent classrooms. I'll post a picture when we get some sunshine. We are hoping the move will be complete by the start of the summer term.
Important conversations are taking place with Sheffield Council about our school and children's services, but especially about developments we have in mind for our adult services - probably for 2012 rather than this year, but who knows how things change?
We are talking about training and research opportunities, and then there's the SEN Green Paper to prepare a response to .... and so it goes on.
As always, we'd be glad to hear from anyone asking the same questions, searching for similar solutions.