What does it mean to be "conductive"? Can an organisation be "conductive"? Should an organisation that practices conductive education reflect conductively upon its own self?
I have pondered this before. The SAHK model is instructive, for instance. This morning I was reminded of this when I read a blog posting by MIke Chitty. I have mentioned Mike in this context before.
Asking what a 'real enterprise zone' would look like, Mike proposes that it would be a place where:
People would feel a sense of belonging because they were part of community that wanted them to succeed and likewise provided opportunities to help others succeed as well.
Mike again wrote something similar in a review for New Start magazine of "The Abundant Community: Awakening the Power of Families and Neighborhoods" by John McKnight and Peter Block:
Just people, relationships, skills, interests, passions, associations and what it means to be a competent community. A place where people learn to support each other and make good thing happen. Of their own volition.
Now it seems to me that Mike's words taken together sum up pretty well the environment we all try to create around conductive education. It seems to me to sum up, too, what Paces Campus is about, in providing a setting for a conductive education charity and school to operate - a haven, to put it that way, in a world otherwise uniformly indifferent, even, hostile to CE: a place where you can help others succeed and where people want you to succeed.