Does anyone know how many special schools in the UK are run by charities that were originally founded by parents? Or where I can find out?
On twitter @newmanswords posted:
#freeschools - loadsa money, tailor-made for the chattering classes, now big expensive consultancies to create more..
To make @newmansworld's point, his link is to just such a consultancy. Following his tweet, we had an interesting exchange of thoughts.
However, our exchange led me to ponder this: the Free School invitation is to parents and other groups to bring forward ideas for new schools; we at Paces accepted that invitation and proposed a special Free School; we, in fact, had first set up Paces School from 1997 as an indpendent school - and since 2009 a non-maintained special school ... but how many special schools, or schools of any kind, have ever been set up by parents since, say, 1900?
Does anyone know? I'd be pleased to hear and will post any information.