Just been up to my blog and am absolutely amazed to see how many visitor-places have been mapped in the past 24 hours - 317 - incredible.
Does this show the demand for 'World Congress - Live!" news and pix? If so, I'm sorry that "Live from World Congress" is working out not even as well as the low expectation I had of my experiment.
In case any one is interested in the experiment itself, though, this quick assessment:
1. Connectivity - a SmartPhone is absolutely essential for doing this live.
2. Connectivity - my ancient Sony Ericsson cell phone (on which I could get low grade pix) has gone into "searching mode" after great first day; I'm thinking this is showing up connectivity issues.
3. Connectivity - just come off Skype to Dru at home and no video pictures; another sign of poor connectivity.
4. Will try to sort out new batteries for Canon camera tomorrow morning. Need then to export pix to iPhoto and then to Flickr. Awkward and tedious. But will give it another go tomorrow night, all being well.
5. Twitter. Tweeting from 15" MacBook Pro, equally awkward - balancing on knee not satisfactory at all. Don't know if I will try again. Let's see how the sessions work out tomorrow.Hashtag #WCCE if I do.
OK. That's where I'm at just now.