With just a couple of hours to go before Virgin Atlantic return me to the snow and ice of home, a moment to pause and say 'thank you' to our hosts at SAHK for a well-run Congress that opened eyes, inspired and unsettled in equal measures. I shall take home much to think about and report on.
I hope someone will pass an especial thanks to all those wonderful people in the yellow shirts who smiled and smiled and eased our stay.
To Ivan Su, who seemed to work tirelessly on our behalf and who was an endless source of information and advice: it was a very great pleasure to meet you. Thank you. And maybe, one day, if you should come to England, we will have the opportunity to welcome you warmly to Sheffield.
And so, in 2013, to Munich and the 8th World Congress of Conductive Education. After Hong Kong, will conductive education ever be the same again? I shall look forward to being there, with more colleagues and parents and service users from Paces, all being well.
Thank you SAHK.