As just posted on 7th World Congress 'Pre-Congress Social Network":
So I've left the snows of Sheffield behind - and my family too, sadly. What an enjoyable trip it would have been had my wife, Dru, been able to come.
Cleared the drive of snow and got the car out ready on Thursday; dashed Friday morning to pick up, at the third attempt, some HK dollars; took Sarah to respite early as agreed, at 1100h, only to be told they weren't expecting her until 1300h - reluctantly they agreed, so was able to set off in good time for Heathrow; at motorway services slipped on ice and bounced head off car door - stopped for 2 minutes first aid and 12 minutes form-filling .... so a parent came to the 7th World Congress.
A comfortable flight, sleeping for a large part of it; easy journey from HK airport following excellent train and taxi instructions kindly provided by Congress secretariat; now in Empire Hotel Wan Chai, having had a much welcomed buffet meal in the hotel. Getting on the internet via in-room wi-fi has defeated me at the moment but I'm connected with the world via the ethernet cable; have texted and called home via cell phone, so all's well and I shall venture out into the streets of this amazing vertical city in the morning before registering later in the day.
It seemed very unlikely that I would be here earlier in the week, with the snow.
A great start, all in all.