Belatedly .... Thursday saw two very welcome and special visitors to Paces.
In the morning, one of Paces' oldest friends, Graham Moore, Chairman of Westfield Health. Graham it was who in 1994 attended our very first public meeting, where we announced our intent to bring Conductive Education to Sheffield and set up our own centre. As Graham tells it, he just couldn't believe what we were planning to do, couldn't see how we could possibly succeed - and decided he'd better help! On Thursday he offered his help again, and that of Westfield Health, with our plan for refurbishing the old craft workshops as three new classrooms.
By contrast, the afternoon was spent with a new friend, Mike Chitty. It proved to be one of those all-to-rare afternoons when, after lunch together in the Campus Cafe, we settled down just to talking about what interested us: three of us from the Campus and Mike. We are looking to build on this in the New Year with some work that could benefit our adult group.
Thanks to both Graham and Mike. The world seems a better a place.