It surely can't be a coincidence that The Independent has published this account on the same day that BBC1 (1035pm) is broadcasting "When a Mother's Love is not enough". On Facebook, Julie Evett's friends have congratulated her on appearing on Breakfast Time ahead of the broadcast today and for speaking up.
The Independent invites parents: "Do you recognise this description of family life? What should be done to make life easier for profoundly disabled children and those who care for them? Tells us about your experiences. Write to: [email protected] "
Ian Birrell, Deputy Editor of The Independent has often written from personal experience as a parent of a child with a disability. The Independent is to be congratulated on gathering these experiences. One wonders what will happen to them then? Will they be published? Will they be passed to the Government? It would be interesting to know their plans. It would be good to know of a purpose beyond simply getting parents to write in. Let's hope so.