* Conductive education, Web2.0 or social networking, the 7th World Congress in 2010 and social reporting.
Having expanded the title of this post, I would like to introduce you to David Wilcox who blogs under the name 'SocialReporter'. In February this year he posted "How social reporters can help turn old-style conferences into the new convening spaces". The title just about says it all, though with a series of links to the work of Bev Trayner, Clare White, Dave Briggs and Clay Shirky the posting is actually a mine of useful and practical information.
There's no such thing as a perfect example, but for a taste of one way in which a conference can be opened up, both in real time and afterwards, enriching the experience of those who were there as well as sharing it with those unable to attend, take a look on YouTube.
If you there do a search for "TAL09", you will be offered all manner of responses to the "Talk About Local" event in Stoke-on-Trent a couple of weekends ago. Or you could begin with Will Perrin's (no relation) introduction:
If you have looked at this clip on YouTube, you should have seen to the right of the frame a link: "More from Social Reporter". Click on that and you will see more of David Wilcox social reporting from conferences.
At the 6th World Congress in Goteburg, Sweden, there was a film-maker recording the event. His name was Lars Mullback. I remember I was asked to do an interview. I do not know what happened to the finished film. I never had the chance to see it. If Lars had used a now ordinary digital camera or mobile phone, he could have recorded a clip and posted it on YouTube for all of us to see and comment on.
Annoyingly, I lost his business card and was never able to contact him again. In fact, I lost all the business cards I was given at the 6th Congress. As an aside to this posting, had CrowdVine been hosting a social network for the event, I could easily have recovered profiles and contact details of all the wonderful CE people I met there.
Before I leave you to your own journey of exploration in CE2.0, here's one more David Wilcox blog posting: "Social reporting made simple".
Andrew Sutton asked for practical ideas (see his last paragraph. How about social reporting from the 7th World Congress?