The house martins are back again. On Sunday we are off for a week to the Pembrokeshire coast. I realised on Tuesday evening that in 17 months time, I shall be 65. It's mid-May. Nearly half a year slipping by already.
Been a strange couple of weeks or so. Had some very stimulating conversations. Promising stuff, mostly. Ways of working. Ways of organising. Ways of managing. And some opportunities. Feels like Paces should change. One person I was speaking with said it was 'the end of our pioneering phase, the start of a settler phase'. We've got this far, we're here. So what now?
Been a busy few weeks too. Productive. But no spare moments. Reviewing contracts; job descriptions; management structures; roles and responsibilities. What suits pioneers doesn't necessarily suit settlers. Challenging, that. Writing funding bids; needing cashflows; business plans; outputs and exit plans. Strange day today. All set up to spend the most part on finishing off a bid. Had two late phone calls yesterday, asking to visit this morning. Questions about different grant bids. Both, both, visitors gave their time to help redrafting the bids. One of them urged applying for twice as much as I'd proposed. Said I should be "more ambitious". Told her no-one had ever accused me of being lacking in ambition before. Smiles! Funny day.
Is it possible for bloggers to suffer from 'writer's block'? When I get back from Pembrokeshire, I must get this blog design sorted and get back to posting regularly again.
So the house martins are back. Time flies, too.