I set out to start this posting with a round-up of headlines from UK newspapers. It was too depressing. You must check them for yourself if you are strong enough.
Once more I am reminded: When you are up to your neck in crocodiles, it can be difficult to remember that you came to clear the swamp.
The temptation is to retreat into the silo; to ignore the vital broader questions such as new business models; to focus on sauve qui peut or just to bury one's head in the silt of fundraising for one's own immediate survival in chaotic times.
I am looking forward already to the 7th World Congress. It keeps my head up and helps fix my eyes on a CE horizon somewhere beyond our own next step at Paces.
Early in 2009, I was asked if I'd made a New Year's resolution, and had I kept it. My answer to the first question was yes: I had resolved to live until I was 80 so that I should see what all my grandchildren were like when they had all reached 18. My answer to the second question was: So far, so good.