My earlier posting announced the "The Conductive Web" on PageFlakes. There, I am aiming to compile a page of feeds from CE blogs.
I have now opened a new page, aiming to do the same for CE discussion Forums. If you know of any discussion Forums with a conductive education focus, in any language, please alert me to them and I will add them to The Conductive Web.
You can leave the URL as a link on the message board here. (Links to CE Forums will appear on a second page; click on the CE Forums tab, near the top left of the main body of first page.
The Conductive Web is an experimental service for the world-wide conductive education community. Let's see how it develops. If anyone, like myself, with a special interest in CE and the social web, would like to join me as an editor of The Conductive Web, send me an email or leave a note on the message board.