I read to day ("Trouble in Toytown" The Times) that "the first journal in the field of the application of brain science to education was inaugurated in March" of this year. I was mildly surprised at the claim but set out to see if I could track it down.
It might be "Mind, Brain, Education" published by IMBES, the International Mind, Brain and Education Society. The new journal complements a newsletter first published in January 2006. Both the journal and the newsletter are available online, free, via the links above.
If anyone is aware of another journal explicitly linking neuroscience and education, I'd be pleased to learn of it.
Whilst tracking down the journal, I came across the "Learning and the Brain Society", "an online academic community to enhance learning and teaching", that is promoting two conferences in 2008 (Feb. San Francisco; April, Cambridge MA. There website still has a link to the recent November 2007 IMBES conference, too.