Trustees having approved Paces' Strategic Plan (Download 0712_strategic_plan_v.5.4.doc) on 24th September 2007, which I have been working with them on since back in March, my attention now turns to the related Business Plan.
Aside from the very few who may be curious about what Paces is up to, perhaps the main general interest in the Plan is its structure. Being a third sector, charitable company, we have a commitment to the concept of the 'double bottom line' in evidencing our success - in the traditional financial accounting terms but also in the rather newer practice of 'social accounting'. The question was, how could we reflect that in our Strategic Plan? Alongside Corporate Aims and Objectives, we opted to set out Desired Outcomes and Key Outputs for Beneficiaries. It might be worth a look for that alone. There are some useful links that I should add at this point, for anyone interested in reading more.
Actually, this is the first time Paces has really taken on laying out strategic planning on this scale - and it is an ambitious one, led by our Chair and the Trustees; which is also a major step forward. At several points, though not always to be detected, the drafting was influenced by my recent Study Tour funded by the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust. It's also the first time we have made our ambitions public.