There's 15 years of history behind Paces, 10 of them at Paces Campus. That makes this is our 10th anniversary year. But this blog isn't for a history lesson. It's for news to share with Paces' People first and our many friends too. So you can keep up with what's going on. We've not been too good at that up to now. Let's make a fresh start then.
Take today for instance. Paces is about changing public policy, amongst other things, in quality of life issues for children with cerebral palsy and their families. One way we do that is by linking up with other voluntary, community & faith (VCF) sector groups in Sheffield. Lunch-time today, I was representing Paces at a meeting at OFFER (Sheffield's community empowerment network) to discuss whether there could be a shared VCF position on addressing Poverty in the city. Poverty is a big story for families of children with disabilities: whether you mean absolute or relative poverty or the sorts of poverty of aspiration, expectation and opportunity that go with life on the margins. We agreed to draft a manifesto - and share it round for comment. Small step: big commitment.